Life After Death: Human Experience and Quantum Evidence

We’ve all lost loved ones to death and have felt the grief associated with the loss. Most religious people have faith that the deceased live on as spirits and, in fact, watch over them as guardian angels. I too believe this way but not because of religious teaching. I believe it because 1) there is actual evidence through innumerable reported near-death experiences and 2) because the science of consciousness dictates that it’s so. The research into NDEs is skyrocketing through psychologists, neurologists, and theologians who study it with great intensity. The scientific community, though at first reluctant to give the topic much credence, has decided it can no longer ignore NDEs because of the sheer numbers of people who report having them. Incidences seem to occur with increasing frequency because of improved survival rates due to modern resuscitation techniques. In the last 50 years or so, mostly since Raymond Moody’s book, Life After...