The God of Religion is really Universal Consciousness 

For some of us, it’s hard to picture an actual God being, either embodied in a tabernacle of spirit or in flesh that is perfected and transfigured. It just seems real out there and begs the question that if he's (I’ll use that pronoun for ease in writing) real, who is he and where did he come from? In general, science bypasses any ideology related to God, instead, relying on scientific theories about our sudden explosion into existence and the ongoing evolution of life that followed. Religious truth claims glorify an omnipotent God, who created all things in perfect harmony with just a wave of his hand. Some combine the two ideas and say that God used the Big Bang and evolution as his creation mechanism, but that it is indeed God, who is responsible for it all. But none of this, nails down who God is, where he came from, whether there are others like him, and what the purpose in creating all of this was.

            Now I realize we may never know resolutely the answers to these questions until we die and either see that life goes on in the spirit or it’s really all over at death, in which case we’ll never know because we’re dead. But the good news is there is so much evidence for life after death and the power of consciousness, that scientists are beginning to engage in metaphysical studies that are giving rise to a whole new scientific discipline. Science is now using the scientific method to study the mind and spirituality, which is leading to some more plausible theories about God other than traditional dogma suggesting he is a superior being in some other realm loving or judging us by our deeds.

            Nikola Tesla famously said, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” And that’s exactly what’s happening through modern-day quantum (subatomic reality) physics and neuroscience as it begins to pair up with what many Eastern religions have been saying all along. No longer labeled as pseudoscience, these disciplines are penetrating the mystery of consciousness by showing that all matter, which is pure energy, is merely a derivative of consciousness. Everything that exists suggests consciousness because it arises from matter. In fact, consciousness literally shapes the very nature of physical reality because it creates.

            Human life is an extension of nature and natural laws and is, therefore, the instrument for that which creates. God, then, is Universal Consciousness and we are composed of the same essence making us one with God because we’re made up of the same underlying substance: energy. All matter is energy and energy is indestructible, suggesting that our spirit essence will live on and continue to evolve as an appendage of the Divine Creator or Universal Consciousness. This puts a literal spin on the phrase “God is in you.” We are all part of God because we are all part of the same consciousness.

            Viewing God as the light of consciousness that illuminates every mind conveys new meaning to conventional depictions of God. “God is truth” correlates with the idea that the only unquestionable truth in life is that all humanity is alive with consciousness. Like traditional iterations of God, that truth is eternal and everlasting. “God is omniscient,” all-knowing, also applies to consciousness because it is the foundation for our knowing anything. “Creator God” suggests all of our physical senses along with every thought and feeling we have is a product of consciousness. We literally create our own universes internally. “God is Almighty,” is also apropos because there is nothing more powerful than consciousness when it manifests itself through all the numberless forms in human experience. “God is love” reflects unconditional love that is part of a person’s inner essence. It does not need to be created because it springs forth from its depths when the mind is free of ego, fear, and judgment.

            What about prayer? Traditionalists believe their prayers are actually heard and answered by a benevolent God who may grant or reject a request based on personal worthiness or because of its impact on the greater good. But what’s really happening through prayer is that we’re finding answers from deep within ourselves. When we stop praying for divine intervention by an external God, we can tap into the true self, which is the deepest level of consciousness, and learn how to change the perceptions that affect our thinking. It is all an internal fountain where answers formulate in love from being part of the Universal Consciousness.

            Viewing God as the light of consciousness does not conflict with science but rather provides convergence between science and religion just like, for example, quantum physics is akin to some Eastern religious teachings on the nature of reality. When spiritualists of the past use the phrase “I am God,” they’re talking about the true nature of the self, the great “I am,” for there is where we pass into the infinite and become enlightened. The Biblical passage, “Be still, and know that I am God,” is not about being the opposite of restless or squirmy. It’s about stilling the mind in order to make contact with the true self, the I am, the God of pure consciousness in us all.

            Of course, this does not answer the other questions I posed at the beginning of this narrative but it’s a good start. I will address them in other blog posts as we go along where I hope you’ll continue to join me and also offer up comments for us all to consider.


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