The God of Religion is really Universal Consciousness For some of us, it’s hard to picture an actual God being, either embodied in a tabernacle of spirit or in flesh that is perfected and transfigured. It just seems real out there and begs the question that if he's (I’ll use that pronoun for ease in writing) real, who is he and where did he come from? In general, science bypasses any ideology related to God, instead, relying on scientific theories about our sudden explosion into existence and the ongoing evolution of life that followed. Religious truth claims glorify an omnipotent God, who created all things in perfect harmony with just a wave of his hand. Some combine the two ideas and say that God used the Big Bang and evolution as his creation mechanism, but that it is indeed God, who is responsible for it all. But none of this, nails down who God is, where he came from, whether there are others like him, and what the purpose in creating all of this was. ...